The Entrance parkrun (58)

This morning I made my way up towards the Central Coast area of New South Wales to pick up my closest run at a lovely little seaside town called The Entrance. I had originally planned to run here a few months ago but that was in the middle of a very unsuccessful run where all runs I planned seemed to cancel for one reason or another so am glad to have finally ticked this one off.

The run itself was started by a husband and wife team who also organise the nearby Mt Penang parkrun, with one of them appearing at each course each week. It starts near an outdoor fitness area next to the car park at the top end of Picnic Point Reserve and runs primarily alongside the water for the whole course, which seems to be the home of the largest collection of Pelicans I think I have ever seen! Maybe the Pelican can be adopted as the mascot for this lovely run?

At the end of the run though, at 07:27:21 on 15th October 2016, I have to officially bow out of my parkrun Australia career after a total of 36 runs across 7 states. Australia was the start of my parkrun adventure and responsible for the birth of the idea of running each run at a different course. I have met some great people through parkrun and I’m happy to say I have some great friends solely because of parkrun, the community in Australia is something I am proud to say I have been part of, so it is a big door for me to be closing. As with everything though, as one door closes another opens so I am now looking forward to the next exciting chapter of this journey. The UK is certainly going to be my new home at first but who knows where it will take me next, with parkruns now popping up in every corner of the globe it could be anywhere so watch this space!


The Entrance parkrun (58)

After last week running a course that required a small amount of concentration to remember which lap you were on and how long that specific lap was, this week was back to the standard Australian type course with a run starting at one end of a path, carrying on with no real twists and turns before reaching a cone at the turnaround before heading back straight the way you came. There is one corner of note near the start/end where the path splits in two, however it is coned and marked off very well so there should be no confusion as to where you need to go. The course is also pretty flat for the most part as well with only a couple of small steep inclines to keep you on your toes.


  • Time: 27:21
  • Place: 34/80
  • Gender Place: 25
  • Age Category Place (SM30-34): 25
  • Age Graded Score: 47.29%
  • Most Events Global Position: 321


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